Sunday, September 26, 2010

DAY 21: Your favorite medium of art

I don't exactly know what this statement means, but to me, my favorite medium of art are sunsets. Every sunset has a different description and over the years I have seen quite a few I want to always remember.

1. Casting Crowns Concert: February 2010. I was on my way home from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham to meet my family at my grandmothers house. It had been SNOWING all day long and it was just a amazing day all around. Beautiful sunset!

2. This summer I worked at Camp Ozark and met some amazing friends. One off weekend, my friend Ben took CC and I to his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. He showed us around, then took us to Big Dam Bridge ( I think that's right) We were all worn out from camp, but I remember tha sunset being so relaxing in the midst of being exhausted. I really wish I had a picture of that sunset. That was a great weekend!

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