Thursday, September 30, 2010

DAY 25: Something you would do if no one stopped you or if you knew you wouldn't fail

My heart is so heavy tonight. I just got home from Bible Study and the message was absolutely incredible. Tonight's message and Day 25 kind of go hand in hand. Before I blog about Day 25, I want to share with you all some notes I took from tonight. It's worth reading.

~We can be one decision away from making a very important choice in our life.
~God has plans for us in a way we cannot imagine.
~The enemy is on to you. He is a constant threat. But, we need to TRUST GOD, TRUST GOD, TRUST GOD! Face the fear! You have to get up, God is good, God is faithful!!
~There is no denial in courage.
~The #1 command in the bible is "Don't be afraid."
~Who are you going to be before God?
~Can you imagine living without fear?
~Courage comes from the Latin word 'cor' meaning "HEART."
~God will always pick you up!
~We can be so scared that we never really live.
~A life worth giving is a life worth living.
~Death is not our destination.
~Take courage!!
~God will offer the prescence of his courage.
~Live, live, live until we die.
~You get to decide how good your story gets to be.
~Believe GOD when the road is rocky.
~Are you brave?
So, for Day 25....if no one stopped me or I knew I wouldn't fail, I would go out onto the Mission field and serve. I've been on mission trips but I've never been on a trip to a third world country. I've known people who have and their testimony is sooo touching. On the lighter side, I would also like to write a book of some sort. Whether it was notes from my journals over the last four years, a how to book, or a children's book, I think it would be really cool to be an author of a published piece of work.
Well, I'm about to get in the bed. This week hasn't been my favorite and I can't exactly explain why. Sometimes we all get discouraged and this week has been just that for me. Love you guys! Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DAY 24: Something you did as a child that other people remember you for

This makes me feel old! I still wish I was a kid sometimes. No worries at all. Only thing we had to worry about was getting our ten Math homework problems finished and studying for our Spelling Tests. Oh, what a life! As a child, I was constantly trying to play pranks on people just so I could get a good laugh. I tied people's shoes together, tripped people, pulled out their chairs so they would fall, etc. I never did it to be mean and I hope people realized that. But growing up, I always had an annual sleepover at my house. There were always about fifteen girls at my house! We would go to McDonalds in our pajamas and go wake up two of our good friends, Brody and Justin. We always had a blast and I hope someday soon we can all re-unite! Have a great day!
Senior Prom
Dying my hair brown with Kelly & Whitney our senior year!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DAY 23: Most awkward first impression you felt you've ever given

Hahaha wow, what a funny topic for Day 23. I can definitely be an awkward person every now and then. Believe it or not, I can sometimes can shy around complete strangers. I have a few stories to tell that never seize to make me giggle.
This one time I had to use the bathroom really really bad. I was on my way back from the state tennis tournament in Montgomery when all of a sudden we were stuck in a HUGE traffic jam. I'm not talking about a few car pile up, I'm talking about a "let's get out of our cars and walk around and stretch our legs" kind of traffic jam. Well, I was getting to the point of either A. Crying my eyes out or B. Using the bathroom all over myself. I had drank gatorade all day so you all know that it goes straight through you. (ha, just saying) I noticed a camper/motor home stopped a good ways up from us. I had to pick: either walk over to the side of the road and pee in the woods or ask this family if I could use their bathroom. Ya, I did it. I walked over to thier camper and a black woman answers the door. I said, "Mam, I know this is really random and probably kinda weird but I have to go to the bathroom sooooooo bad." You know what she did? She stared at me for a good ten seconds before speaking. Her husband came over to the door, and being the kind man he was, let me use their bathroom. It was really awkward but I felt wonderful afterwards. So yeah, I've given quite a few awkward first impressions but that one is at the top of my list!!! I was so thankful for that nice family!

Monday, September 27, 2010

DAY 22: Someone you would give up your life for without question

Whew, deep question. I'd have to say my two brothers, Jason and Zach on this one because I know they would give up their life for me.

I grew up being the middle child of two brothers and of course the only girl. Typically, I was always ganged up on because they thought it was soooo funny. Thanks guys haha. I learned how to be tough and to this day I think it's because I had a Dad and two brothers who were constantly challenging me. As highschool approached, Jason and I use to scrap all the time. I know deep down he thought I was stupid and the child who got everything. I remember when he turned 16 how cool we both thought we were. He would always crank the heat up in the car to 85 degrees just to tick me off because he knew how hot-natured I am. Just little stuff like that. He soon left home at 18 to join the Marine Corps so the last four and a half years I've gotten to know my big brother through text messaging and emailing. He is now about to start the journey I am about to finish: college. I would give up my life for him because he has sacrficed his life way more many times in the Marines.

And Zach, my sweet baby brother who is all grown up now. My bubba (as I like to call him) and Zach as my mom likes to call him. My mom constantly reminds me his name is "Zach" and that if she wanted to name him Bubba, she would have hahaha. I grew up closer to Zach because he always did everything with or for me. He'd play barbies, dress up and dollhouse with me, and I'd play trucks and ride bicycles with him. I get a lot of my motivation from him, considering he was born with a clef palate when he was born. It seemed like every year he would have yet another surgery and I went back to taking care of him as a big sister. He's all grown up now at the age of 19. I can honestly say that Zach is my best friend. He still does anything for me, even if I don't ask. Because of his strong faith and hard work ethic, Zach is going to make a wonderful husband one day.
So overall, my two brothers are the most amazing guys I've ever met. I feel so blessed to be their sister. Hard to believe we all grown up. Well, I don't like to think I'm grown up quite yet. Well, I'm off to take another cat nap. (AU wore me out this weekend!)

Love you guys,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

DAY 21: Your favorite medium of art

I don't exactly know what this statement means, but to me, my favorite medium of art are sunsets. Every sunset has a different description and over the years I have seen quite a few I want to always remember.

1. Casting Crowns Concert: February 2010. I was on my way home from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham to meet my family at my grandmothers house. It had been SNOWING all day long and it was just a amazing day all around. Beautiful sunset!

2. This summer I worked at Camp Ozark and met some amazing friends. One off weekend, my friend Ben took CC and I to his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. He showed us around, then took us to Big Dam Bridge ( I think that's right) We were all worn out from camp, but I remember tha sunset being so relaxing in the midst of being exhausted. I really wish I had a picture of that sunset. That was a great weekend!

DAY 20: A song from a band you immediately liked

Well, as you all know country music is my favorite. I heard this song this past week and I realized just how much I, and so many girls can relate to this song. It's simple, yet sweet. It's slow, yet sexy. And the fact Brad Paisley is singing it makes it that much better. Enjoy!

DAY 19: A passage from a book that has touched you

Sorry guys! I've been in Auburn since Friday and I didn't get on the computer. It was a great trip. Kateland and I left from Birmingham on Friday and arrived in AU two hours later. Whit, Rachel, MB, James, Kateland, and I went to dinner then to Skybar to see Fly By Radio!!! They were amazing and we had several funny stories. For example:

1. As I was dancing with my amazing friends, this guy comes up to me and starts a conversation. He told me he played 2nd base for AU. First thought he was lying....he looked old, and was starting to get gray hair. I just ignored him because I knew he was full of it. The next thing I knew, he grabbed my hair, and started blowing on my neck. Talk about creepy! I guess he thought he was helping me out since it was so hot inside. Bad idea!! I quickly stepped foward with the rest of my friends and laughed the rest of the night about it.

2. My friend Kateland was dancing with some guy when all of a sudden, out of nowhere: Some random guy comes up and punches the guy in the face. It happened all so fast but don't worry, we were just fine. It was funny because the guy who started the fight: punched him in the face, then turned around and walked out. Guess who got kicked out? Yes, you're right, the victim.

3. Yesterday in the ballgame, I was walking down one of the rows when I saw a sudden swarm of blue and orange shakers in my face. I thought they were cheering. Oh no, they saw my houndstooth watch & red purse and knew I was an Alabama fan. They kept saying, "Just accept it, just accept it!" Accept what? That was my thought process. I nicely gave the guy a high-five and as I was walking away thought to myself. "Ok, I'll accept the fact Alabama is ranked number 1 with a National Championship. See you in November."

4. Then what about last night, when these two guys came up to us and started speaking in an English accent. That's a nice way to get noticed. Too bad I talked to one the night before and knew he was from the South. Hahaha, don't worry they all created "fake" names for themselves and said they were from Manchester, England. Riiiiigghhhhhttt.. It didn't work too well when they came up to me and started feeding me this bunch of nonsense. I just looked at the guy and said, "Man, you didn't have that accent last night when I ran into you." How strange! BUSTED!!!! We quickly learned that Rafael from England soon became Michael from Huntsville. Boo-ya!!!

5. What about the time when we were on our way to AU and this ridiculous person was speeding up and slowing down the whole way there. Don't worry, I shot him many mean looks hahaha but he never got the picture.

So it was a very FUN weekend, thanks to Rachel and Whitney for letting us stay with them. LOVE my friends :) Well, enough of story time but I could keep going for sure.

Sweet friends Kateland, Rachel and Whitney :)

NOW to Day 19: Passage from a book that has touched you.

I'm just going to go with John 3:16 today. I am constantly reminded of the love of Jesus when I hear it.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."

I think we can all go to sleep tonight knowing the comfort of this verse. Have a nice night :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DAY 18: A picture that makes you feel

Almost a year and a half ago, my older brother came home from Afghanistan. This picture brings back SO many memories. As you can see it is dark outside..that's because it was 3:30 a.m. About five minutes after taking this picture, Jason and his platoon pulled up on the bus. I'll never forget seeing the different types of emotions from all of the family and friends. It was such an adrenaline rush to see my brother for the first time in 7 months. GOD IS GOOD, guys, God is good!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DAY 17: Something you want to be remembered for

Plain and simple, I want to be remembered for being nice. There is nothing better than meeting a genuine, nice person. My parents have always taught me that being nice will take you far in life. So, that's what I strive to do. I love everyone and it takes A LOT for me not to like someone. Everyone is different, and everyone has grown up dealing with different circumstances. Yeah, that's pretty much if for today. Hope you all are having a fantastic Tuesday :)


Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 16: Something you want to do within the next 5 years

SKYDIVE. My plan is to go before I graduate so that gives me eight months!! My plans have changed a lot because I can never find someone to go with me but I'm going to do it!! Sooner or later, mark my word. I am soooo excited. I have dreams all the time about jumping out of the plane so I'm thinking it's about my time.

Happy Birthday Kelly Peacock!!! She's one of my best friends who turns 22 tomorrow!! Man, we are getting old!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

DAY 15-A moment, phrase, or song that has changed your life the most.

Whew, I could write allllll night long on this one! I have so many favorite bible verses, sayings from books, and quotes. But tonight, I'm going to be simple. Here is a verse I say almost every single day.

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11

Also, my mom wrote down this saying for me this weekend.
"You can't change the PAST, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future."

Well, off to writing lesson plans. Great weekend at home, heading to Auburn this weekend!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 14: Best Movie

I'll be the first to admit to anyone that I lOVE chick flicks, but especially chick-flicks with Reese Witherspoon or Kate Hudson. I couldn't decide whether to post a clip from Sweet Home Alabama or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I ended up going with Sweet Home Alabama tonight. For those of you who have never seen this movie, go rent it!! It makes me smile every single time. There is something about this movie I admire. Melanie and Jake end up working their marriage out instead of getting a divorce. So many people get out of thier marriages these days. They simply give up. I hope and pray the good Lord leads me to someone who truly believes the same way I do about marriage. But anyways, great movie so go see it :) Now, back to writing lesson plans on this Saturday night. ROLL TIDE!

Friday, September 17, 2010

DAY 13: A Memory that never fails to make you laugh

I could name so many memories that have made me laugh over the years! But one of my favorites involves my dad, a fake deer, and a bright flashlight. A few years ago when I was in high school, my dad got really interested in feeding the deer in our backyard. He built a feeder and bought corn and filled it up to the top. Every night our family would look out our big window to see if we could spot a deer with the flashlight. Well, one day my mom and brother got a great idea to trick my dad. Our neighbor had a fake deer that was always propped up against a tree in his yard. So, Jason and my mom went and got the deer and set it up against the feeder before my dad got home from work. When it got really dark, our family was sitting in the living room and we asked my dad to go get his flashlight to see if there were any deer at the feeder!! My dad quickly ran to his room, grabbed the flashlight, and turned it on! Right when he light hit the deer, my dad went crazy!! He was sooo excited! He kept saying "Look, look, look, he is moving!!" After about a minute, we couldn't hold it any longer and we started busting out laughing! That's when my dad finally realized that it was a set up! It was so funny because my dad really thought it was a real deer! So ya, that's my memory that never fails to make me laugh :) Have a fantastic night. I just got home for the weekend. It's 8:56 p.m. and I'm about to head to bed. Since I've been up since 4:30 this morning, I can barely hold my eyes open. Have a amazing weekend!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

DAY 12: Your favorite musical artist's life story

What a random posting! I have many favorite artists and bands but tonight I'll go with Shania Twain. She is one of the most beautiful women on the face of the Earth and everytime I hear "Man, I feel like a women" or "Whose boots have your bed been under?", I am instantly in a better mood. She was my role model growing up. SO, for those of you Shania Twain fans, here is her life story! Shania Twain is from Canada and her parents were both killed in a car accident when she was 21. Shortly after raising her younger three siblings, she moved to Nashville and changed her name to SHANIA (which means, "I'm on my way.") She's been famous every since 1993!

I can't copy and paste but if you go to you can read all about her :)

The first video is of Billy Currington when I saw him & Sugarland at the Wharf in Gulf Shores. Then, the very next day (Saturday) I drove 5 hours home to see the EXACT same concert with my mom in Huntsville. The Sugarland video, I was front row because it was first come, first serve. It poured down rained the entire time but it was a great weekend I'll never forget :) Oh and listen to the words of "It Happens." SO TRUE!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DAY 11: Favorite picture of yourself

Man, this posting sounds a little selfish if you ask me. I usually just don't sit around and find my favorite pictures of myself! Well, let me look through my photos for a second. haha. I like this picture of Kerry and me. This was from Mule Day in Winfield, AL. We came across some Alabama signs. How fitting for football season! The second picture is funny because we were riding down the slides in the Bahamas! The third picture is from Bid Day 2009! I love & miss these girls so much! The fourth picture is of a camping/hiking trip. Jesse Burton will always be my best friend and this was one of the first times I saw him in a year since he was in Iraq. Miss him! The last picture was from Sophomore year and it was one of our first swaps! I was Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune if you haven't figured that out yet! Such good memories. Pictures are a great way to remember fun memories and there are so many friends I wish I had pictures with!! Cough, cough.....Ben Sheard! Had to give a shout out to him since I know he reads what I write. Love & miss you :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

DAY 10: A dream you had this past week described in detail.

Remembering my dreams is something I never have a problem with. Right when I usually wake up, I can instantly remember everything. This past week I have had a relapse from being sick, so I haven't remembered many of my dreams, which is weird. I guess I have been so worn out that I have slept extra hard at night and during my naps.

However, last night I do remember my dream. I went to bed about midnight last night because I was finishing "The Backup Plan" with Jennifer Lopez. So cute by the way. Right before I went to bed I registered for the Half-Marathon in New Orleans (in February). I dreamed about running allllllll night long! This afternoon, I took a nap and I dreamed about laying in a very comfy chair in Hobby Lobby while helping my friend Rachel pick out a light pink comforter for her bedroom. Weird, I know haha. It's so funny to me that you can actually dream about something you were thinking right before you went to bed. Running has been on my mind a lot lately so I ended up waking up at 5:20 a.m. and going to the gym. There is a ton if information about dreams so I thought I'd share!

Top 10 Amazing Facts about Dreams
1. Blind people dream
2. You forget about 90 % of your dreams
3. Everybody dreams
4. Dreams prevent psychosis
5. We only dream of what we know
6. Not everyone dreams in color
7. Dreams are not about what they are about
8. Quitters (smokers) have more vivid dreams
9. External Stimuli invade our dreams
10. You are paralyzed when you sleep.

Monday, September 13, 2010

DAY 9: Five things you want to see change

First off...I just registered for the Mardi Gras Half-Marathon in New Orleans 4 days before I turn 22! I'm sooo excited. No backing out now. It's official.

5 Things I want to see change:

1. I wish ALL people would be just a little nicer to everyone.

2. I wish people appreciated the military more. After hearing my brother tell me the story about how the day he walked off the airplane from Afghanistan into the U.S., not one young person was there to welcome them to the USA. Only veterans and older people. That statement broke my heart.

3. I wish people would find something they really enjoy and go out there and do it! Life is too short to sit on the couch and watch tv all the time!

4. I wish I could approach people who get the best of me and say nicely, "Get a life, and grow up." (I promise I'm not that mean guys.

5. I wish I could open up to certain people more and tell them how I really feel. I guess sometimes fear gets the best of us.

Have a great night!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

DAY 8: Someone you think would make a good president

Well, I'm not too involved with politics but I think Nick Saban would be a good president hahaha. With 2 National Championships under his belt, I'd say that's pretty goood! And plus, I love the University of Alabama!! Yesterday, campus was insane!!!! It rained for a short amount of time but it was HUMID! My friend Cody & Meagan came down last night...We went out for a little while and met some nice Penn State fans. Everyone Penn State fan I met was extremely friendly. I ended up seeing my freshman roommate from Troy, Robin! It was sooo good seeing her :) My brother ended up coming down for the weekend so it was great seeing him. We went to church this morning at Highlands and the message was so moving. Once they post it online, I'll post the link. It's definitely worth watching. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 7: Favorite Cover of your favorite song

I don't listen to cover songs that much, but this girl does a pretty good job!!

I pray everyone remembers 9/11 today. God bless the USA!

Friday, September 10, 2010

DAY 6: Earliest thing you can remember

Since I've been teaching 4th grade these past two weeks, so many childhood memories have made me laugh! For example, one time in 1st grade someone dared me to lift up the dress of this girl in our school in front of everyone. Ya, I did that. And in 2nd grade, I tied Courtney Gillespie's shoelaces together and she waddled around for half of the day because she didn't want to tell on me. Or how about that time in 5th grade when I popped a gel ink pen inside my mouth on accident. I was always up to something. But for this post, I'll have to go back into time to Kindergarten.

Earliest things I can remember: School Dances!
I'll never forget our dances we had has kids. In Kindergarten, I met one of my best friends Brody. To this day, I would consider him one of my best guy friends. His mom always had dances for us around Valentine's Day. We LOVED them! All of my girlfriends would spend the night at my house. We would stay up ALL night talking about the guys we had crushes on. I look back now and all I can do is laugh at how funny we were!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

DAY 5: A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life

If I had the time, I would write to so many people. My family, my best friends, and random people I've admired over the years. But for this posting, I will have to write to my grandparents, Papa, Granny, and Memaw.
Papa & Granny

To my sweet, loving, and funny grandparents:


As I grow up, I realize how much you mean to me. I feel so blessed to be your grand-daughter. You have taught me so many things over the course of my life. You've taught me to keep my head up no matter what happens, to love the Lord with all of my heart, and to be a friend to others. You have been the perfect role model for me. I appreciate all of the home cooked meals, back scratches, and bits of advice. I pray that one day I can be the type of woman, mother, and friend that you are to so many. I love you sooooo much!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

DAY 4: What you imagine paradise will be like

Tough question. When I think of paradise, I think of Heaven. The thought of Heaven is so amazing, yet hard to grasp. At Camp Ozark this summer, my campers asked me a lot about Heaven. It was so hard for their little minds to understand that when we enter into Heaven, we will be there forever, and ever, and ever!! How exciting. I imagine Heaven having lots and lots of LOVE. I think about it sometimes and I find myself getting stumped each time. It's such a mystery, a surprise!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

DAY 3: 5 Songs I would have on a deserted island

These are the 5 songs I would take with me on a deserted island. I'm not that great with technology so I can only figure out to upload 1 video per posting. However, Who Am I by Casting Crowns is probably my all time favorite! Enjoy!

1. Who am I- Casting Crowns

2. Here- Rascal Flatts

3. Bring the Rain- Mercy Me

4. Settlin'- Sugarland

5. Glorious Day- Casting Crowns OR American Honey- Lady Antebellum

Monday, September 6, 2010

DAY 2-Something that inspires me

So many things inspire me. If I had to narrow it down to one particular thing, I don't know if I really could. My friends & family inspire me. Kind people inspire me. Athletes inspire. The list goes on and on. But for tonight, I'll narrow it down.

Something that inspires me-- A Christian couple.

Ever since I entered into college, I've been around all types of people. I'm the kind of person who loves to watch other people whether it's their actions, words, or personality. I'm a people watcher. I love it. By the way, Disney World is the best place to people watch. Anyways.....back to the subject, there is nothing more exciting than to see a couple walking with the Lord. I believe that often times anything to do with religion gets immediately put on the back burner when it comes to relationships. Sure, couples will go to church and say they put God first in their relationship, but how often is that actually true? This past year I have prayed that God will someday show me the meaning of a true, genuine relationship. With that being said, I have to give a shout out to Hannah Dailey and Tyler Williams for their relationship that reflects the Lord. It makes me tear eyed just thinking about it. SO excited about them getting married on May 28, 2011. My first wedding to be a bridesmaid and I'm pumped!

30 Day Challenge

I'm always looking for new and exciting things to do! I randomly came across a 30 Day Challenge that seemed interesting. For the next thirty days, I'll be given a subject and I'll write what I think about it. They are all completely different so it should be fun! Well, I guess it's DAY 1: Labor Day!
Day 1: Guilty Pleasure-
I laughed when I saw what Day 1 was. It is very easy for me to narrow it down though.

Guilty Pleasure = SWEETS

Whether it is Ice Cream, Oreos, Chocolate, Candy, Donuts, Cake, or Gum, I'm completely addicted. I won't blame anyone for my habit, but my Dad is the exact same way. My dad has always taken me to gas stations and candy stores for as long as I remember! I enjoy eating un-healthy things. I can always go run afterwards, duh! Some people don't understand that and I feel extremely sorry for them. Boy, are they missing out! Well, Day 1 was easy enough! I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day.

Love God by Loving People,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Words to Live By

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.
-Ashley Montague
You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of LOVE.
-Henry Drummond
Plant your feet firmly and let your heart have wings.
You, dear children, are from God.
1 John 4:4

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Beth Moore Bible Study

This is my 2nd week of the Beth Moore bible study I am doing with some of my friends from class. There are six girls from the Education department and I love it so far. We are doing the Esther bible study from Beth Moore. Let me first say how funny Beth Moore is. There is nothing better than a funny, godly person. The book of Esther is particularly interesting because the book never mentions the name God. I am only in the 2nd chapter of Esther but the history in the first few chapters is intense. Each week our group watches a video discussing the previous week of discussions. I'll highlight some points/verses I think are worth sharing.
-God will speak to you when you are alone with Him.
-There is no place God cannot go with an equipped vessel.
-He's working it out! In YOU!
-Seek Him, and God will find you!
-God is not going to fullfill your destiny without you!

3 Toughest things about being a woman:
1. Yielding
2. Balance
3. Hormones

-Your past and future share the same road!
-God is attracted to weakness.

Song of Songs 7:10 "I belong to my lover, and his desire is for me."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

4th grade

Sometimes I think the devil intentionally tries to make me mad! A few days ago I was typing away about my visit to North Carolina.....then Bam! My computer instantly froze up and I was back to square 1. Well, I'll have to finish that post for another day.

Today I started teaching 4th grade at Moundville Elementary! It is a wonderful school and I'm very excited about my placement there this semester :) I have a group of 21 students. I did an introduction activity this morning and it went well. Afterwards, I wanted to know things about my new students. Here were some of there responses. I can't help but laugh.

1. I like to draw on my hand.

2. Big Foot is real.

3. I am Black.

4. Roll Tide

5. I am real smart in Math and Science

6. I live by a river that is 10,000 feet down.

7. I like pies.

8.My favorite food is green beans

9. I love to deer hunt. (from a little girl)

10. I have an annoying little brother.

11. I got a part in the play Stuart Little

So, as you can see....I'm going to have a very interesting semester teaching these children! My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Browder is amazing and I know I will learn plenty of information. I came home and took a much needed nap. I'm sure I'll have days like today where I can't wait to crawl in my bed for a quick cat nap. Well, I'm off to go run but I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!
