Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get Organized!

I've never been the type of person who has had the desire to have everything put in the right spot. I would never call myself an organized person and I think all my friends can vouch for that since I ask them, "What time do I have to be there?" "Where is it at?".......Oh, the questions go on and on. An un-made bed, a messy room, or clutter has never bothered me. I use to think it made things easier if everything was just thrown everywhere. Bad thinking on my part. Recently I've realized that getting organized makes my life a whole heck of a lot easier. Since taking all of these Education classes, I'm practicing "teacher" mode for sure. I never thought a hole puncher, a stapler, and a printer could be my best friend. So while this is a skill I may never master, getting slightly ahead makes me feel pretty good. And who knows, maybe that will bring my stress level down. You should try it :)