Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well, I decided to title this post 10:52p.m. because that's what time it is. I SHOULD be in the bed but I cannot sleep. I just got back from running/riding the bike and I feel refreshed! Now, I'm listening to the NEW and INCREDIBLE CD'S from Keith Urban & Rascal Flatts :)

We had Bible Study tonight and I came across a quote worth sharing. I think all Christians can relate to it!

"When, because of your FAITH, your life becomes perceptibly different; when your reactions are quite OPPOSITE to what the situati
on seems to call for and your activities can no longer be explained in terms of your PERSONALITY; that is when your neighborhood will sit up and take notice. In the eyes of the world, it is not our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ that counts; it is our RESEMBLANCE TO HIM."

Today was a rainy ole day. I was in 4th grade all day. They always seem to crack me up. For example:
- "Ms. Page, you listen to country music right? Well, you know Carrie Underwood? You look so much like her."
* Yea, I wish! Haha

-"Here Ms. Page, you take a cracker...We all know you want one."
*I guess my kids have picked up on my eating habits because they are always offering me food!

-"Ms. Page, did you know that you can have a food baby?"
*This means when you eat too much, your stomach pokes out and it looks like you have a baby hahaha.
Well, I'm off to bed. Or at least try to. Gotta be up bright and early for another eventful day in 4th grade. I'm going to miss everything about 4th grade when I leave! So thankful for Mrs. Browder and everything she has taught me! Oh, and I'm going to JASON ALDEAN and LUKE BRYAN on Friday with my sweet brother. Life is good, and Thanksgiving is so close! Lots of lOVE, Cat

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