Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How great would life be if we lived a little EVERYDAY?

As I walked into Jason's condo on the beach that he is staying in until his deployment, I see this picture hanging on the wall. Just like the title it reads, "How great would life be if we lived a little everyday?" The picture reminds me of something that you would see in a hole-in-the wall restuarant that usually ends up being some of the best southern food you've ever tasted. It is a very striking picture but it got me thinking. How true is that quote? It seems self explanatory to me but I found it interesting so I thought I'd share.

Today Jason took Mom and I to the base on Camp Lejeune. Even though I have lived with Jason my entire life, there is a still a tiny piece of Jason I'll never be able to figure out. I'll have to thank the Marines for that. While our lives are completely different, I've never been a more prouder sister than I am at this point in my life. As we were walking around in the PX this afternoon, I observed the Marines all around me. So focused, yet so proper. While I don't have to worry about defending this country, those guys do. And for that, I'm thankful.

It never fails. Something is going to happen to me while on vacation. As I was enjoying my Baskin Robbins cookie dough ice cream cone today, the glue off my top retainer popped off. Great. Well, that's not exactly what I was thinking. I finally got it fixed, thanks to the nice orthodontist! Once I was heading back to Topsail Island, I pushed the scan button on the radio. I thought I heard a familiar song so I stopped. The song was "My Redeemer Lives" by Nicole C. Mullens. Oh my gosh. I really can't think of a more powerful song. I was driving over a huge bridge with water on my left & right, the sun was setting, and I became overwhelmed with emotions. God is good!

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