Thursday, August 12, 2010

#5 Buy a meal for a homeless person

Call me crazy, call me nice, or call me whatever you want but I have a heart for people who are less fortunate. As I was looking over my list of 101 things I created, I forgot about this one. This happened back in the spring semester (in March). One of my best friends Hannah had driven to Tuscaloosa to help me pack for my cruise! For those of you who know me really well, you know that A) it either takes me about 6 times to find an outfit to wear or B) I'll walk out of the house wearing something that probably doesn't match. So I was excited when Hannah picked out my entire wardrobe.

We were on our way to Wal-Mart in Northport to buy some things I needed. As we were leaving, we noticed this young guy on the side of the road holding up a cardboard sign. I can't remember what it exactly said but I think it said something about being hungry. I looked at Hannah and she knew exactly what I was thinking. I turned the car around, parked again, and went inside to the McDonalds. I ordered him a hamburger, fries, sweet tea and apple pies. It was kinda nerve racking when I was approaching the guy. He was probably between 17-20. We handed him the food and were on our way back to the apartment.

On the way back home, Hannah and I were talking about how we had no idea what circumstance that young man was in. He really looked homeless to us. Even though it was a nice gesture, it amazes me the amount of people who would drive right past him without a second glance. So maybe being nice every now and then isn't that bad! I think about that guy from time to time and I pray his situation is better than it was when I saw him.

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